Comparing Microsoft Project Online with Microsoft Project On-Premise

Comparing Microsoft Project Online with Microsoft Project On-Premise

Microsoft Project On-Premise and Microsoft Project Online are developed and distributed through Microsoft and are software for managing projects. These tools are fully functional and require the appropriate version of the software or the license. These solutions assist organizations, as well as their project management team, create time plans for programs, projects, and portfolios.

Additionally, ElectronicFirst is an online retailer of digital goods. Every solution comes with distinct versions. Below is an outline of the various versions:

Microsoft Project Online

An online or on-premise system is built upon SharePoint, connecting users with MS Project Desktop for scheduling. It was first introduced in 2000. This software lets you manage projects, tasks and resources, timesheets, and also perform optimization of your portfolio.

The software is designed to set up a site for each project, along with a workflow and the project's schedule. This is an excellent solution, but it's a little awkward for an end-user, with lots of navigation. It is important to know that this application is not on a plan.

Project Plan

It should be noted that Project Plan 1 is combined with Project Online Essentials, and users could use a web browser to check on the status of their projects, risks, and tasks in Project Online Essentials. There is also a home dashboard option in MS Project Plan 1 so that users can see the lists of projects and filter them based on filters, in addition to organizing and sorting them according to their interests. Additionally, it provides:

  •  Grid.
  • Board or Gantt views.
  • Collaboration with MS Team. 
  • Coauthoring lets users modify and update projects synchronously and report timesheet
  • submissions.
  • Read-only access to project roadmaps.

Project Plan 3

Project Plan 3 offers all the features included in Project Plan 1. It also enables users to update, access, and manage their projects through a fully-installed desktop client that allows them to manage their resources easily.

MS Project On-Premise

MS Project Standard is a project management software designed to run on a computer (on-premises). It can be used to develop schedules, budgeting, task administration, and reporting. It's limited in functionality, as it cannot provide collaborative work, management of resources, or the synchronization of Project Online and Project Server.

Project Professional

Like MS Project Standard, Project Professional is an alternative for desktops. However, it offers a greater range of features. It allows collaboration and resource management and synchronizes using Project Online and Project Server. If Microsoft Project Professional syncs with Project Online or Project Server, it's also known as a Project Online desktop client." It is crucial not to confuse MS Project Professional and Project Online desktop clients.


Microsoft Dataverse stores all the backend data of Project for the Web and can be expanded to include other features and functions in the form of a Microsoft Power App. In teams and linked via Power BI (requiring the use of SQL), This solution could be customized to provide an end-to-end PPM solution if it is needed.

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